
Ideas, Musings, and More

A plethora of things I hope will be useful to you along the way.

Peter Chvany Peter Chvany

Fitness Camp

Was the phrase “Develop the skill” (to perform barbell squats with great form and low risk of injury) … was that phrase busy doing something more important, on the day the post was uploaded? Like, “earn the right” was hanging out in the phrase box when they went looking for a useful way to sell this challenge, but “Train sensibly, here’s how” was busy doing its nails or waxing its mustache, and couldn’t be asked to step in and perform?

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Peter Chvany Peter Chvany

Preparing for Elderhood

A long confessional about the importance of old age to my personal path through health and fitness. Not my old age: the old age of loved ones, and what it taught me.

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Peter Chvany Peter Chvany


Simple advice is rarely simple to apply. Good advice is rarely good if it’s too simplistic to be applied in a real world context. Why do so many fitness professionals think our work is done when we give people ‘simple’ advice?

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Peter Chvany Peter Chvany

Posting My Own Workouts

Should fitness professionals sell generic workout plans? What are the upsides and downsides? Why do I generally not tell my clients what my own workouts involve?

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Peter Chvany Peter Chvany

Beating Your Time

As a teenager, this maxim of my dad’s came across to me as “The success you have today is never enough. You’ll never BE good enough.

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Peter Chvany Peter Chvany


I wasted a lot of years hoping ‘motivation’ would stick around. I began succeeding only when I realized it never had, and probably never would.

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Peter Chvany Peter Chvany

Listen To Your Body

Our bodies speak a language that is sometimes subtler and harder to translate than we believe. Learning how to listen to them is a skill of its own.

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Peter Chvany Peter Chvany

“Good Shape”

What precisely does the idiom ‘good shape’ mean … and if we actually think about it, isn’t it kind of not good at all?

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Peter Chvany Peter Chvany


When I meet other adults who worry about being ridiculed in the gym: boy, do I NOT dismiss how that feels. I hear you.

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Peter Chvany Peter Chvany

BMI? Been there, done that.

I got substantially healthier and fitter before the scale or my BMI had any clue. How should we think about the ways our scale weight relates to our health? Having been all over the BMI map, I have OPINIONS.

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Peter Chvany Peter Chvany

Easy Diet Hacks

There are ways to preserve the foods you like in your diet while adding additional nutrients for health, and bulk to keep you feeling full, while trimming some calories. Read on!

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Peter Chvany Peter Chvany

Training With Injury

Evolving consensus among physical therapists says that careful training with an injury may sometimes make sense; read about my particular situation with regard to this.

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Peter Chvany Peter Chvany

Telling People About Oxygen

Telling people they need to lose weight is often about as helpful as telling them about the importance of oxygen. Have you checked whether they’re breathing? Or are you just on autopilot?

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