Work with me

If you have any questions or comments, please contact me via email. We’ll set up a time to chat about your goals, your experience with health and fitness, your access to equipment (if any), and so on.

I don’t take payment for services until after we do some setup work. It’s simple: we both need to feel confident that I have experience and insight into your individual needs. One-Size-Fits-All programs are easily available out there; many of them are even decent. If you’re contacting me, it’s because you want something a bit more individual, or you think you’ll benefit from routine contact with someone who can monitor your progress, suggest new things to try, cheer you on, give you tips and clues about how to exercise smarter or more safely, and so on. Those can be very useful things even if you start off with a fairly standard program, but because time is money, I do charge.

There’s also some paperwork to do before we commit to each other.

At the time of writing, I’m coaching mostly over video. If you’re in the Somerville, Massachusetts area, I’m working with a couple of local gyms to be able to provide on-site coaching. Watch this space for more details!


No, really. You got this.