Welcome to Grampa Fitness

Get Off My Lawn. Get Fit While You’re At It.

It’s Never Too Late To Start


I’m living proof.

Click through to the “My Story” page to read the outline of how I turned into a personal trainer. News flash: I was a couch potato. Now I do long charity bike rides for fun and lift weights because I turn out to dig gyms.

I can help you on your way.

It’s kind of my passion. I could have sat at a desk until retirement and kept making money that way. But I’d rather pass on all the support and knowledge I’ve gained about health and fitness.

I charge to pay my mortgage and to make sure you are invested in your own goals. I promise you, I’m worth it … because you are.

Young trainers are awesome ….

… but I might have more insight into the challenges you hope to overcome, and the life experience you bring. I might even have a clearer view of what you can achieve than you do, yet.

Don’t like gyms? They’re not required!

I did IT system administration and desktop computer support at Harvard for 20 years. I supported the team that set up Harvard’s Zoom environment so the whole campus could keep learning during the pandemic. I’m not afraid of online coaching if you aren’t. Tell me what equipment you do have, even if it’s just a patch of floor at home and your own body weight. We’ll figure something out, or I won’t waste your time and money. Look: if I could handle those world-class-expectations and eager personalities, trust me that I can meet you where you are right now and guide, not push, you into a program that will help you reach your goals.

Let’s get your health and fitness journey started.